One last picture from Bangkok - I like it how empty soda bottles are picked up to be refilled.

Curry stall in an alley behind the hostel that I'm staying at in Kuala Lumpur (KL).

In the financial district of KL there are air conditioned elevated walkways.

The Petronas towers - home to the state oil company and one of the city's major landmarks.

I was next to this mosque during a call to prayer.

A few blocks away from the mosque, still during the call to prayer. Loudspeakers were broadcasting what sounded like a fiery sermon.

Love the headscarves on the mannequins. You're getting a taste of life in a Muslim country.
Keep it up. The pictures are great.
Wow, Karl. Amazing! Fascinating being in a Muslim country right after your Buddhist experiences in Thailand. These photos are so interesting with some women in western clothing and most in the full garb. I love the photo of the head scarves. By the way, the refillable soda bottles were the norm in the US in my childhood and youth! On the street many on cell phones or checking them. It's a new world.
Love, mchj
Looks pretty different from thailand! what was the first difference you noticed?
I think the first thing I noticed was just that the people looked a lot different - there are many people of Indian heritage here. Also, the headscarves on women stood out a lot...
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