Feb 28, 2012

Quick update

I don't have my camera with me at the moment, so no pictures to post, but I thought an update would be in order. Tonight will be my last night in Bangkok before I fly to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. My Thai visa runs out tomorrow - if I had more time I would consider other modes of transportation for traveling South. It's been nice to be in Bangkok again for a few days - everything is easy for travelers. My clean, comfortable (although tiny) room at a Danish run guest house comes in at under ten dollars a night. Food vendors line the streets...

I just met up with Benji, a former student of my godfather Jim. Benji's been living here in Bangkok on and off for 8 years. His work with the UN first brought him here, and now he works with Amnesty International. It was great to meet him and chat for a bit.

A few days ago another westerner stopped me on the street to hand me a flyer advertising the pub that he and his wife just opened. I found my way there last night to grab a beer, and the hostess put me at a table with a honeymooning couple from England, and after they took off a group of Thai guys invited me to their table. They were celebrating, among other things, the fact that one of them is preparing to go off to the countryside to live as a monk for a month. Two of the other guys had done this, each for a year rather than a month. Two of them spoke English well and the conversation was easy as I had many questions for them and they had many questions for me. They kept the beer flowing and wouldn't let me contribute any money when them time came to leave - we went to the 24-hr McDonalds where they treated me to a burger, too. I know the occupations of 4 of the 5 guys: video editor for TV station, graphic designer, Muay Thai (thai boxing) event management, and Civil Engineer (at least by training). I have to admit I was continually trying to sense any kind of threat from these guys, but they seemed genuinely friendly. At the end one of them dropped me off back at my guest house, giving me a ride on the back of his scooter... I'll get in touch with them when I'm back in town!


Jim said...

So glad to read of your adventures, Karl, and to learn that you met up with Benji. Love the photos too--especially the elephant ride, of course. I hope that you find Malaysia as hospitible as Thailand. Safe travels.

Your godfather

Anonymous said...

Karl ~ thanks for posting the updates. It's wonderful to know what's up...
Love, mchj

morgan said...

Party on brother!

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