After Ko Muk I traveled to Krabi, back on the mainland. I was checking out a guest house there and ended up meeting a cool Brazilian guy named Wellington. We decided to go for an elephant ride the following day, and he and I ended up traveling together for about 5 days.

Karl, what wondrous scenes and creatures. And riding an elephant with a new friend! Thanks for the great photos and descriptions. Enjoy every moment!
Love, MCHJ
Wow! Krabi is spectacular. Thanks for the report.
Lovely lizard, fabulous frog. I love the animal pictures!
Amazing photos! I love traveling vicariously through you. Have fun!
I want to be there! It's nice to see you're doing it--doubt that you're missing the 9-5 routine.
yea call back homie!!
I want to live in the KO MUK fishing village
Those limestone formations are outta sight!
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